How will I receive my wallpapers?
When you place your order, you'll be taken to a confirmation screen where you can download your wallpapers. You will also be sent an email with an additional download link.
Will these wallpapers work on any device?
Yes! They will work on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop monitors.
What size/resolution are these wallpapers?
Our wallpapers are in 6K resolution (6144 x 3160 pixels).
Why do the wallpapers look different on phones?
In some of our showcase images, the wallpaper has been rotated to fit the phone screen better. You can do this yourself by downloading the wallpaper to your phone, and rotating the image from landscape to portrait mode.
Can I redistribute these wallpapers?
NO! These wallpapers are for your individual personal use only. You may not sell, redistribute, upload, or give away these wallpapers.
I didn't receive my wallpapers download link
Check your emails (including your junk/spam folder). If you still have issues, please contact us at and we will assist you.